“Iпtrodυciпg Chowder, the Liʋiпg Stυffed Aпimal! This Adorable Chow Chow Captυres Hearts with Its Irresistibly Teпder Appearaпce.”

“Iпtrodυciпg Chowder, the Liʋiпg Stυffed Aпimal! This Adorable Chow Chow Captυres Hearts with Its Irresistibly Teпder Appearaпce.”
You might think that this creature is a stuffed animal, but in reality it is a dog and is called Chowder.


Chowder is a six-year-old purebred Chow Chow who lives in Manila, Philippines. She has become an Internet star thanks to her amazing appearance like a giant stuffed animal. His spongy coat, his thick skin and his round, thick face make him look like a 20 kg stuffed animal.

Chowder looks so much like one that it has the nickname “Chowder the Bear Dog”. Since early 2015, when Chowder joined Instagram, he has gained thousands of followers who are obsessed with his beautiful photos and videos.

Bernice Lozano, owner of Chowder, says she never expected Chowder to become so popular. “Every time we are in the shopping center, everyone stops to look at it because it is so adorable and takes photos or videos.

Bernice is happy because her dog has dreamed of people and that is the most important thing for her. “The most common phrase we hear from people when they meet Chowder is ‘God, it looks like a stuffed animal’”.

“It was a gift from our fathers and really had tears of bone. A large part of this is how to arrange it, but apart from that, it is also the color of your coat and the shape of your round neck”, says Bernice.

Bernice also said: “This is a very vague dog, he loves eating and resting in the house every day”.

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