Everyone chokes on the innocence: the puppy goes every day to find food to bring back to his mother, not knowing that she has passed away.

Everyone chokes on the innocence: the puppy goes every day to find food to bring back to his mother, not knowing that she has passed away.
Puppy does not know that his mother is gone and every day he looks for food to take to his mother’s body

Recently, some photographs have gone viral on the Internet. A lone cub is sitting alone on the wasteland, looking at a skeletal and very worn corpse on the ground.

It turned out that the skeleton was the mother of a cub while she was alive. Internet users were excited and pointed out that “the mother is going to change and the child is not willing to leave.”

The puppy looked hungrily at the camera and it turned out that the body was that of the puppy’s mother before her death.

The Facebook fan page of a foreign animal protection organization shared a series of photographs on the 25th showing a yellowish-brown puppy sitting near an animal skeleton. The corpse had been dead for several days and almost 92% of his body turned into white bones. Only about 8% of the region was left with some black hair. The puppy stared into the camera and finally lay down at the skeleton’s feet. It turned out that the body was that of the puppy’s mother before she died.

A lone cub was sitting alone in the wasteland, looking at a skeletal and horribly worn corpse on the ground.

This snapshot originated on May 22, 2017 and was shared on the Thai Facebook fan page of China’s “Xinhua News Agency.”

Many Internet users responded to this:

He returns to the puppy to take care of it”, “Look how much he misses his mother”, “he conveys his feelings about his mother”, “Oh, his mother must also want to get back on her feet.”

“I hope someone brings the puppy to take care of him” and “look how much he misses his mother.”


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