“Charming Action: Dog Reaching Out Paw to People Passing His Cage in Attempt to Make a Connection and Find Adoption”

“Charming Action: Dog Reaching Out Paw to People Passing His Cage in Attempt to Make a Connection and Find Adoption”

A two-year-old dog named ‘Speck’ spends his days in a small kennel at the Alabama Bullock County Humane Society shelter, extending his hand with the intention of anyone passing by taking it in his. The dog usually pokes its face out between the metal bars in search of a little affection.

Desiray Miracle-Wilder, director of the shelter told The Dodo:

All he wants is for people to like him. He extends his little hand to you and just wants you to touch him and hold his hand. And he gets very sad when you go out to finish cleaning or whatever you have to do.

Dog from a shelter extends its paw when someone passes

shelter dog take hand person pass

Speck has waited in the shelter for a year and a half, for a definitive home that welcomes him. Despite the marks on his face, a reflection of his hard life on the streets, this dog is very sweet and seeks to receive affection from people.

shelter dog take hand person pass

Desiray added:

You can put anything else around him: another giant dog, a cat, but he’s so obsessed with loving people that he doesn’t care about anything else, he just wants you touch him, if you sit down, he lies on top of you, if you hold his hand, he holds yours, if you scratch his belly, he rolls over.

This Friendly Doggo Likes To Hold Hands With People Passing By His Kennel

A few days ago, while Desiray was cleaning the shelter’s kennels, she was inspired and filmed the sweet and tender daily scene with Speck in hopes of drawing people’s attention to it, the woman posted the video on Facebook and earned more than 100,000 reproductions in a few days.

shelter dog take hand person pass

Thanks to the video, Desiray managed to get the attention of Allie’s Hope For Paws Dog Rescue who connected the shelter with a family that will give Speck a loving home.

shelter dog take hand person pass

Desiray wrote on Facebook:

He will operate on a 26 acre farm with Mike, his family and his two furry brothers! We are so excited. Not only was Speck adopted thanks to this video of his kindness, but he also helped a few other fur babies get rescued and donated food to us!

shelter dog take hand person pass

Now Speck will have a family forever and will leave behind the difficult days of his past; Desiray is confident that Speck’s story inspires people to adopt and give more dogs a second chance.


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